We have now finalised the dates for the test-pitting in a field near Arbor Low. This phase of the project will run from 26th March – 7th April 2012, and will attempt to ascertain whether the spread of material recovered from field-walking is true representation of past activity or whether archaeology towards the bottom of the field has been hidden by colluvium and other deposits.
We intend to dig approximately 125 1m x 1m pits! Members of ARTEAMUS have signed up to help as have others from various spheres. If you would like to volunteer contact ian.heath@gmx.co.uk to express your interest, but hurry – we are close to becoming ‘over-subscribed’!
We will be inviting local schools to come along to have a look, as well as local Home Education Groups and local businesses. If you would like to visit (rather than dig) then email Enrichment Through Archaeology or ian.heath@gmx.co.uk.
Exciting stuff!