Pieces of The Past
An interactive workshop that gives children a fascinating glimpse of a range of periods of the past.

Hands-On Fun & Learning
Like all our other workshops this one has been carefully planned to provide exciting hands-on activities, all geared to ensure children learn alongside having fun.
This workshop is designed to meet the requirements of the KS2 curriculum and can be adapted to meet your school's needs. Please contact us to discuss your particular needs and preferences.
Part 1

After learning how to think like an archaeologist, and completing their training, children excavate artefacts from a range of periods of the past.
Can they work out if the objects in their trench belong to the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, or the Iron Age; are Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Greek, or Roman; or were once used by the Anglo-Saxons or Vikings? How will they know?
After finding out the children share their findings with the rest of the class creating a class museum for all to visit.
Part 2

Children can then become experimental archaeologists by taking part in activities that you can hand-pick from some of our other workshops.
Will they work out how people made the first-ever pottery or how people made string before string was invented? Or perhaps you will want them to learn how to read Anglo Saxon runes, try their hand at making Roman pottery or realise how difficult it would have been to grind grain in order to make bread.
Workshop Gallery