After delivering a workshop covering the Stone Age to Iron Age to Y4s at St Andrews CE Primary School in Levenshulme in October, the beginning of 2015 saw me returning to delve deeper into the Stone Age with Y3s.
The second visit saw me ensconced in a brand new ‘dance studio’, which proved to be the perfect place for our excavations of the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. Animal bones, charcoal, waste flakes and artefacts of each period (with ‘toolkits’ provided by the talented James Dilley – see ancient craft), elicited many “oohs” and “aahs” from the children.
Although, the teachers said “excellent” and “perfect” in their feedback, best of all was a comment from one little girl, who said she liked the digging the best because “it made me feel like a real archaeologist!”