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If you go down to the woods today . . .

If you go down to the woods today you could be in for a surprise, well at least if you go into Grin Low woods in Buxton. For while the image of Buxton is that of a spa town famous for its waters, dotted around in the landscape are the remains of its past. Take Grin Low woods for instance – there are some fine examples of the town’s industrial heritage in the shape of of lime kilns, barrow-runs and spoil heaps.

Now, while these don’t sound attractive, they are nevertheless important reminders of our shared heritage. The kilns that are found throughout Grin Low wood are evidence of past economic activity, and it might be worth trying to imagine what the skyline might have looked like when the were in operation!

The pictures here will hopefully give you an idea of the scale of the operations – it was indeed quarrying and burning on an industrial scale!

Glimpsed through the trees is a lime kiln - One of several in Grin Low woods used to burn limestone - part of Buxton's industrial heritage.

Glimpsed through the trees is a lime kiln – One of several in Grin Low woods used to burn limestone – part of Buxton’s industrial heritage.

The wheel-barrow run up to the kiln. The scale is 1 metre.

The wheel-barrow run up to the kiln. The scale is 1 metre.


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