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FAO teachers in Cheshire: July excavation at Norton priory

One of the things we want to do here at Enrichment is to let people know about the world of archaeology. I bet that the first thing that comes to mind when you think about archaeology is . . . excavation! So, we are going to do our best to let you know about a range of excavations over the summer months which teachers and parents, primarily, can go to see what an excavation entails.

First up is an excavation taking place at Halton Castle, nr Runcorn which is planned for July. The castle is part of Norton Priory Museum and Gardens and this new excavation is the first for 30 years and will be carried out in conjunction with archaeologists from Salford University. Local enthusiasts are really excited and are awaiting the results of a geophysics survey carried out just a couple of weeks ago.

The dates for the excavation are July 13th to 26th. If you want to take part in the project you should be aware that places are limited, but you need to contact Norton Priory directly ( The team at the Priory are still dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s but they hope to have open days at weekends and possibly during the week too.

You can keep up to date with developments on the website – or on their Facebook page.


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