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Sheffield Elective Home Education Group

A flexible approach was needed with a group so disparate in age and previous knowledge, but everyone was able to get their hands dirty as soon as possible after a brief introduction to the tools of the trade. Luckily for the home educators, Highfields Adventure Playground in Sheffield, where they meet once a week, did not mind us digging up their grounds. The children soon found many artefacts, such as hinges and cupboard door handles. We were able to consider what they were and think about how our pre-existing knowledge could help.

The children and adults alike also had the opportunity to dig up some genuine Roman pottery from sand trays and handle a variety of artefacts dating from the Neolithic to the 21st century. We finished the afternoon looking at a timeline and organising it into chronological order. The group then had the task of working out which artefact belonged to which period or event.

“Today’s session was amazing. I thought Catherine connected with every child at every level and they all took away something very positive.” (Barbara, Parent, Sheffield Elective Home Education Group)


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