The Romans
We have found a good selection of books and other resources which we feel will help ground some of the key issues surrounding the subject of the Romans.
Recommended Books About The Romans
Revolt Against the Romans
by Tony Bradman
Another tale from Tony Bradman, and this one sees the impact of the Roman invasion from a Roman by captured by Britons…and there’s a queen shows up later!
Roman Army
by Ruth Brocklehurst
This book covers it all, from armour and weapons. Ever wonder what a soldier’s life was like? Wonder no longer!
Romans in Britain
by CGP
Explore what happened when the might of the Roman Empire extended into Britain. Each topic here is presented on a full-colour double-page spread, with timelines, photos and illustrations to help bring the era to life.
The Rotten Romans
by Terry Deary
From the ever popular Horrible Histories series, Terry Deary’s book on the Romans dips its toe into the life of Rome from Nero to Boudicca. You know what to expect!
Everything Romans in Britain by National Geographic Kids
From the series of books by National Geographic, this is a good place to start the topic of the Romans in Britain. It covers a range of themes across the subject, not just the conquest, but the impact of the Roman way of doing things on every aspect of daily life.
Roman Diary: The Journal of Iliona by Richard Platt
Less about the Romans in Britain and more about early second century Rome. Uses the life of a slave girl to give you an insight into life in the heart of the Empire.
Look Inside a Roman Town
by Conrad Mason
A book that is bound to be popular. The life of the Romans is revealed by over 70 lift-up flaps. Sure to provoke questions, this is a book that will inspire children to want to know more.
The Orchard Book of Roman Myths by Geraldine McCaughrean
The Roman myths are told in a way that young readers will enjoy. Learn about Venus, Romulus and Remus, and more!
Empire’s End – A Roman Story by Leila Rasheed
This book tells the story of Camilla, a young North African girl travels Leptis Magna to Rome in 207 AD with her parents. From there she is sent to the very edge of the Roman world: Britannica. Tragedy strikes and, well you’ll have to read the book!
What the Romans Did for Us by Philip Wilkinson
Based on the BBC TV programmes, this book illustrates how the arrival of the Romans and new technology impacted Iron Age Britain. We can still see some of these today!